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Future of Secure Remote Work Report
Being Prepared for a hybrid Workforce

Security Report Hero

Cybersecurity in the age of remote work

Pre-COVID, only 19% of organizations from our survey had more than half of their workforce working remotely, compared to 62% now.

Download this exclusive report to find out the challenges and threats companies around the world are facing as they embark on this transition, and how you can leverage these insights to help your organization securely adapt and remain resilient.

How prepared is your company for a hybrid workforce?

See key insights from our exclusive report, Future of Secure Remote Work

Security Report - Future

The future of work is dynamic. Cybersecurity must meet the needs of a distributed workforce.


of organizations in Americas made changes to their cybersecurity policies to support remote working.

The success of a flexible hybrid workforce hinges upon preparation, collaboration and empowerment.


of organizations in United States said that cybersecurity is now extremely important or more important than before COVID-19.

Security Report - Success

Security Report - Simpler

Simpler and more effective cybersecurity is critical to building business resilience


of responders in United States indicated that the COVID-19 situation will result in an increase in cyversecurity investments.

Exclusive Cisco Secure Insights event

Hear from thought leaders as they discuss insights from the Future of Secure Remote Work study. Plus, get actionable recommendations on how you can future-proof your cybersecurity posture.